Expected Results

  • introductory documents,
  • annual collections of data (the quantity of paper ordered by the school bursar, the readings of the water meter and of the electricity meter to measure consumption)
  • annual statistical comparisons based on the exchange between European partners of data collected,
  • common hands-on activities about waste prevention with the help of stakeholders during the whole school year and during the student exchange meeting,
  • questionnaires to fill in about Waste, The Canteen.
    audit our natural school environment in order later on to plant trees, to create bird feeders, flowery fallows, an organic garden, a composter,
  • fill in questionnaires about Biodiversity,
  • continue the collection of data, based on electricity, water and food consumption.
  • set up water collectors, aerators on water taps, low-energy light bulbs with the help of stakeholders,
  • participate to the European Week for Waste