School Profile

The origins of our school date back to the 19th century. The official birth of Pesaro’s Technical High School is November 6, 1860. That day the special commissioner of King Vittorio Emanuele II, Lorenzo Valerio, who was in charge of the Marche region from September 1860 to January 1861, issued an Education Decree which provided for the establishment of three Technical High School, one of which was to be located in Pesaro.

In 1885, the Ministry added to the “Bramante” the business and accounting section, to meet the numerous requests of young people eager to start the accounting profession. The school reached the structure that would maintain for over one hundred years, articulated in two sections: accounting and surveyors.

Because of the large number of students, in the school year 1975/1976 the surveyors section was separated from the accounting one in order to make two separate institutions. The Surveyors High School was named after Girolamo Genga, a famous painter from Urbino.

Since September 1 2015, because of the small number of enrolled students the Accounting High School and the Surveyors High School were reunited in the ITET Bramante (Accounting and surveyours technical school) which is Pesaro’s largest and oldest Technical school with about 950 students enrolled, 42 classes and about 130 people between teachers and administrative staff.

The technical school lasts five years and is divided into an initial two years followed by three specialising years after which students take the State Examination and achieve the Technical Education Certificate. The workshop becomes central in the learning process, as well as the school-work alternance which provides students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge.

These are the areas of training currently covered:

Accounting section

  • ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE AND MARKETING (initial two years and three specialising years);
  • INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS FOR MARKETING (articulation of the three-year period);
  • BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS (articulation of the three years).

Surveyors section

  • CONSTRUCTION, ENVIRONMENT AND TERRITORY (two years and three years);
  • GEOTECHNICAL (articulation of the three years) – not yet activated for lack of enrollers;

The technical school lasts five years and is divided into an initial two years followed by three specialising years (the latter divided into a second two-year period, and in the fifth year), after which students take the State Examination and achieve the Education Certificate Technique. The laboratory becomes central in the learning process, as well as the combined school routes – work to learn in applied contexts.

The ITET Bramante Genga students come from Pesaro and its hinterland.